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     Authentic reborns since 2012

Phyllis Schomaker
Rainbow Reborns
Barnett, Missouri
  17 Reviews


7.6 years on Reborns
69 orders sold
129 followers    Following 1

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Even as a child, I LOVED dolls...but only baby dolls. I wanted to grow up and be a mommy to a rainbow assortment of babies...of all different races and colors. Blondes, red-heads, Native Americans, Chinese, African American, etc. would make up my family. Of course, at six, I didn't understand how this could possibly be accomplished. I only knew that all babies were beautiful, and I couldn't possibly choose only one.

I grew up, had children and then grandchildren. Now I have found a way to have a rainbow collection of babies. I LOVE making reborns and I have a collection made to look like my own grandchildren...and they will NEVER grow up on me.

Artist: Phyllis Schomaker
44" (111.76 cm)   No COA


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