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     Authentic reborns since 2012

Kyra Navratil
Sophie Jeans Reborn Nursery
LINCOLN, Nebraska
  31 Reviews


2.9 years on Reborns
90 orders sold
219 followers    Following 6

Infant (101)
Sleeping (2)
Awake (3)
newborn (2)
preemie (6)
Toddler (2)
Micro preemie  (3)
Kit (40)


My Name is Kyra Navratil and I finally found a hobby that I love! I have so much fun bringing each reborn kit to life. My daughter got me started and is the reason I still reborn. She and I hang out while I work on the babies and she helps me figure out the details, whether it's eye color or if it's a boy or girl she is always helping me! I am a full time preschool teacher so I work on the babies in my free time when I'm not hanging out with my kids. I will always try to respond to messages as soon as I can.

Artist: Kyra Navratil
18" (45.72 cm)   COA


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Artist: Kyra Navratil
19" (48.26 cm)   COA N/A


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