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Linda Steele
Linda Steele
Avon, Ohio

  13 Buyer Reviews

1.8 years on Reborns
1 order sold
Following 37

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I work in the arts: I’ve worked in performing arts centers, art museums, and arts education and arts entrepreneurship organizations; and I am a collector of reborn art dolls.

I collect dolls by well-and little-known artists. I have a diverse collection of babies from artists around the globe and dolls representing ethnic and diverse backgrounds. I am transitioning into collecting more toddlers, so you may see more preemies, newborns, and minis offered here for adoption. You may also see larger babies and preemies if I feel I have too many of one particular sculpt in my collection. Have fun, take a look and enjoy! Please reach out with any questions that you may have. Thank you for stopping by!

Curly Girl   Pre‑Owned
Artist: Linda Steele
24" (60.96 cm)   COA


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Sleepyhead   Pre‑Owned
Artist: Artist Unknown
23" (58.42 cm)   No COA


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