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     Authentic reborns since 2012

     Ashleigh Barr
Washington, United States

3 Reviews  (5 Star)

    5 orders bought
8.8 months on Reborns


Ashleigh's review of Aliyah Schreiner (Leleslittleloveables ) Oct 19, 2023
She came quickly and with such a sweet box opening. I love how dainty and gorgeous she is! Aliyah was very responsive and kind. I hope to purchase from her again.

Sep 27, 2023

Ashleigh's review of Mackenzie Reeder (Kenzies Dolls ) Sep 5, 2023
This flower clip is the most prettiest and unique clip I have come across yet. It's just gorgeous! MacKenzie shipped it out so quickly and communication was excellent. Highly recommend!
Pointed Flower clip

Aug 26, 2023

Ashleigh's review of Colleen Walter (A-List Babies) Sep 5, 2023
I cannot even begin to describe how BEAUTIFUL this sweet baby girl is! Colleen went above and beyond bringing this reborn to life with her attention to detail. I just can't take my eyes off of her!!!
Reply from Colleen WalterSep 7, 2023

Ahhh!! I am screaming with joy over here! Im so thrilled that you love her!! I cant thank you enough for the kindest words ever. They mean the world! 🩷🥹🩷 You are amazing, Ashleigh. Thank you!!

Aug 24, 2023