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     Authentic reborns since 2012

     Sheyla Rivera
A Babies Barefoot Nest
Puerto Rico, United States

1 Review  (1 Star)

    28 orders sold
28 orders bought
3.5 years on Reborns

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Sheyla's review of Ezra Herschelmann (Fawn and Fairy Nursery) Aug 18, 2022
Reborns are collector's items pieces of art whose "value" depends on the artist who created them and their prestige. The baby was SHIPPED 7 days after purchase( tuesday- tuesday)Poor comunication.
Reply from Ezra HerschelmannAug 20, 2022

Rather than shipping Friday the 5th like I had originally told the buyer,I shipped Monday the 8th. The buyer handpicked from my entire collection of clothes and accessories for the extra wait.
Josie Leigh

Aug 2, 2022