This is an unnassembled, unstuffed Gouchin head by Vincezina Care with a Bountiful Baby cuddle body. This baby will also go home with her COA and brown polyglass eyes.
Her eyes have not been glued in so they can be changed if needed to be.
NOTE: This head was used as a practice head for a new kind of sealer that I tried to use a while ago, however did not seal right. It is not as noticeable in pictures as it is in person. The heads sealent coat has something what I know how to describe it as a crackle/rough looking coat. Instead of the head being smooth with a slight texture as I like it to be, this head came out with a crackle look due to the sealent being too thick. The crackle is especially noticable when you squeeze the unstuffed head. I want to be upfront as I can possibly be so bare with me on the description. :)
I personally believe this would be a fantastic doll for reborn artist to use as a guide to practice their hair strokes or for anyone who loves hats on their babies. The face is painted just as if I were to sell it, it is just the sealant coat on the hair that made me uncomfortable to sell this baby at full price.
This doll is considered a boo boo baby due to the issues I have had with that sealent (the sealent was something I had mixed with my reborn stash and since I used it so long ago, I do not know what sealent this was).
Sculpture Artist: Vincenza Care Kit Name: Gouchin Cuddle Bundle Kit Bought From:Seller didn't answer Certificate Of Authenticity (COA): Yes
Head Material: Vinyl Body Material: Cloth Limb Material: Cloth Age: Newborn (0-2 mo) Gender: Your Choice Eyes: Awake Paint: Heat Set Paint Skin Color: Mottled Ethnicity: White / Caucasian Boo Boo: Yes Drink and Wet: No Smoke Free Environment: Yes
Category: Kits & Parts->Doll Kit Condition: New Availability: Ready to be shipped