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     Brittany Bell
Brittany Bell Babies Nursery
Idaho, United States

0 Reviews  (1 Star)

    20 orders sold
0 orders bought
2 years on Reborns

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Brittany's review of Heather Duncan Jul 31, 2024
Smooth transaction. Thanks Heather for your interest in my art and purchasing Bryon! Much love, xoxo
Bryon Asleep

Jul 31, 2024

Brittany's review of Toshikazu Sugama Jul 25, 2024
Thank you for purchase!! Really appreciate your business and hope you enjoy Emma the cute little 10".

Jul 23, 2024

Brittany's review of Kim Malone Jun 9, 2024
Purchase was fair and came through, thanks for buying my beautiful twins!
Esra amp Milan Twins

Jun 7, 2024

Brittany's review of Denise Dick Apr 9, 2024
Buyer reached out first and made sure to communicate with me. Love that! Transaction was complete and smooth. Thanks Denise!
Sweetie - Asleep

Apr 8, 2024

Brittany's review of Veronica cruz Mar 2, 2024
Veronica was a pleasant customer to work with. Clear communication and a lovely buyer. Transaction was smooth and the package made it to PR! Wow! Thank you Veronica!
Lillian - Awake

Jan 24, 2024

Brittany's review of Heather Anderson Mar 2, 2024
Transaction, communication, and interaction was lovely with Heather. Great purchaser! Also, I am so glad you love her!! I am also glad she made it before the bad weather! Phew. Thank you!
Maria Asleep

Feb 28, 2024

Brittany's review of Celina Bethoux (LittleLuvsRebornNursery) Feb 9, 2024
The buyer reached out to ensure communication, which I LOVE! Thanks so much Celina for purchasing one of my dolls. The transaction was quick and smooth, and a great pleasantry working with you.
Isabelle Asleep

Feb 8, 2024

Brittany's review of Kaitlyn Miller Jan 21, 2024
Purchase was complete and smooth. Thanks!!
Willow Flower

Jan 20, 2024

Brittany's review of Brittney Gibbons Jan 6, 2024
Britney was an amazing customer to communicate with. Friendly and fast payments, no issues. Highly recommend this buyer!
Grumpa Bubba

Jan 6, 2024

Brittany's review of Jobi Ewanchew (Whistlebeans babies) Dec 22, 2023
Thanks for your purchase Jodi! Transaction was quick and simple. Doll has has a shipping label created and ready to go!

Dec 21, 2023

Brittany's review of LuCrectia E. Taylor (Zabriyah's Reborn Nursery Artist and collectors ) Sep 10, 2023
Buyer was responsive, payment cleared, and a lovely customer. Thanks LE, LLC. <3
November Ryan

Sep 4, 2023

Brittany's review of Morena G. Cartagena Aug 8, 2023
Communication, complete transaction, and very friendly customer. Highly recommend this buyer! Thanks Morena.

Aug 4, 2023

Brittany's review of Maria Luevanos Jul 31, 2023
No communication but transaction is complete and doll is shipping tomorrow, thank you!!

Jul 29, 2023

Brittany's review of Amy Baumgartel Jul 31, 2023
quick, easy, and communicative. Thank you!
Reply from Amy Baumgartel Jul 31, 2023

Very sweet and fast delivery.

Jul 27, 2023

Brittany's review of Kelli Wilson Jul 17, 2023
Buyer never communicated but purchase/transaction was complete and simple.
Wee Mouse

Apr 3, 2023

Brittany's review of Candice Maria Vega (Walkers Reborns) Jul 17, 2023
Simple, communicative transaction. The buyer was great, considerate, and leaves great feedback. Highly recommend this buyer!
Reply from Candice Maria VegaJul 17, 2023

I am absolutely in heaven with this little guy. He's the perfect addition to our reborn family ❤️ he's so well detailed and literally melts in your arms!! I adore him!!
Ryan Asleep

Jul 11, 2023

Brittany's review of Jesse Turner Mar 30, 2023
Quick and easy communication, fast transaction and pleasant interaction. Thanks!
Reply from Jesse TurnerApr 5, 2023

Thank you so much for the baby it’s beautiful
Brooklyn Asleep

Mar 29, 2023

Brittany's review of Sarah E Steppig Jan 23, 2023
Great communication, prompt payment, and a wonderful buyer! Thank you!
Courtney Asleep

Jan 21, 2023

Brittany's review of Brandy Polek Jan 23, 2023
Communication was promptly made and money was received. The item was shipped out promptly. Thank you for your purchase!! **Great Buyer!!**
Reply from Brandy PolekJan 12, 2023

Thank you! I'm sorry this is my first time buying on here.

Jan 11, 2023

Brittany's review of Maria Mcguire-Loomis Dec 30, 2022
Maria has been a wonderful customer to work with. Patient and understanding. I enjoyed our interactions, as well as how the process of selling this doll to Maria!

Dec 30, 2022