Available for adoption is the cuddles kit. We call her Lily Rose. She is a big baby. Approximately 26 inches and weighs 9 pounds and 13.7 ounces. She was painted with heat set paint with a final coat of matte varnish. She has lightly painted hair.. Cuddles is wearing size 12 months in the pictures. She will come home dressed as a girl unless your prefer boy clothing. She will come home in her pajamas and diaper. She will also have a blanket, extra outfit, extra diaper and a pacifier. All clothing is new or like new and has been washed in tide to help lessen the chance is dyes transferring to the doll. Pictures were taken with my cell phones. Most were taken outside for natural light. A few were taken indoors.
Artist: Natalie Hollinshead Sculpture Artist: Unknown Kit Name: Cuddles Kit Bought From: Kit bought from Bountiful Baby Length: 26" (66.04 cm) Weight: 9lbs 13.7 oz Certificate Of Authenticity (COA): Not Applicable
Head Material: Vinyl Body Material: Cloth Limb Material: Vinyl Age: Older Baby (2-12 mo) Gender: Girl Arms: 3/4 Length Legs: 3/4 Length Eyes: Awake Eye Material: Acrylic Lashes: Painted Hair: Painted Paint: Heat Set Paint Weighting: Fine Glass Beads Weighting: Polyfil Weighting: Luxury Fiberfill Ethnicity: White / Caucasian Pacifier: Included Pacifier Type: Magnetic Pacifier Drink and Wet: No Smoke Free Environment: Yes Pet Free Environment: No
Category: Reborn Baby->Fully Reborned Seller: Is the artist Availability: Ready to be shipped