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Artist Marketplace for Reborn Dolls

Authentic  •  Hand-Painted  •  Safe & Secure

2 reborns from 2 artists
    Reborns Artistry Alliance Member             

/ redheaded baby


Vinyl, Cloth, 23" Newborn , COA
Sculpt: Bonnie Brown

Sheila Jensen
Barefeet Baby Boutique

Adopted - $400 USD

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Vinyl, Cloth, 17" Preemie
Sculpt: Pat Moulton

Carol Lance
Carol's Kids Reborns

$300 USD Free Ship (USA)
Featured Listing Add to Favorites  12

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Vinyl, Cloth, 17" Preemie
Sculpt: Pat Moulton

Carol Lance
Carol's Kids Reborns

$300 USD Free Ship (USA)
Add to Favorites  12

Vinyl, Cloth, 23" Newborn , COA
Sculpt: Bonnie Brown

Sheila Jensen
Barefeet Baby Boutique

Adopted - $400 USD

Add to Favorites  4

Trusted by Artists and Collectors Since 2012

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5 Star Rating

"Great website, it gives you multiple options, when looking for your bundle of joy. I'm buying my second baby within a month. Because I know I'm getting what I am seeing on the pictures."

Idia Wheeler
5 Star Rating

"Only website I've been able to find that has real authentic reborn dolls. This is not a scam site. It's the real deal."

Chris Rowland
5 Star Rating

"Totally legit site to buy and sell reborn dolls. I am both an artist and collector, and I use this site to sell my dolls. All of my dolls are legitimate kits. I also recently purchased a Max doll and found the experience to be very pleasant and easy. My doll is legit and is beautifully made."

Milinda Jaffe

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