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     Sara Brooks
FL, United States

Reviews I've Left Sellers (5)

    8 orders bought
3.2 years on Reborns

Buyer Reviews (2)     

Sara's review of Teresa Wright (Teresa Wright) Apr 19, 2024
Teresa is wonderful seller! The doll arrived safely and beautifully, and communication and shipping both very prompt. Would not hesitate to do business with again! Thank you, Teresa!
Three Year Old June

Apr 14, 2024

Sara's review of Brooke B (My sweet babies ) Jul 5, 2022
Beautiful rare baby! Looks exactly as pictured and with such a lovely box opening. Arrived a day early! I'm enthralled with this sculpt and love the combination hair in particular. Such a treasure
Reply from Brooke BJul 6, 2022

Thank you so much! So glad she is in a great home!

Jul 1, 2022

Sara's review of Stacy Morales (Uniquely Yours Reborns) May 18, 2022
A gorgeous girl for a wonderful price! Her color is super vibrant and she's got lots of mottling, which is nice on such a small baby. Can't believe this artist is fairly new!
Everly With Belly Plate

May 16, 2022

Sara's review of Deborah Miller (Always Precious and Tiny reborns) Mar 11, 2022
Even more beautiful than her photos! Very many small details make this baby feel unique like mottling and subtly raised moles. I feel like I got a very high-end baby for a very reasonable price!

Mar 4, 2022

Sara's review of Sherri Nguyen (Riris Reborn Nursery) Feb 19, 2022
Sherri is such a thoughtful seller! She shipped little Johannah out immediately and included some well-coordinated outfits that suited the baby's coloring very well, and also a personal thank you gift

Feb 16, 2022